Sunday 26 January 2014

Deep Clean your House Like Never Before

By: Sanya Kaushik 

Most home owners (barring a few, chosen individuals) are quite keen on ensuring that their house shines like the proverbial diamond all year round. 

So you’ve got the usual brooming, vacuuming and dusting of the floor, glass surfaces, shelves, curtains and countertops. However, what most people fail to realize is that this is about as basic as cleaning gets.

If you set out to deep clean your home, you’ll find dirt and dust in the most unimaginable places. Here are a few tips to recognize the red flag zones in your house and how to clean them. 

1. Top of the fan blades:

Fan blades gather a lot of dust in a few weeks. Even in the winter months when they’re not in use, your fans can get very dirty. This poses as a health hazard because the fan is basically sending dust mites into the air the whole time it’s on. 

How to Clean: Wrap a pillowcase around the blade to gather the dust so that none of it falls on your furniture or rug. 

2. Curtain Rods and blinds:

Curtain rods also become very dusty after a few weeks; as do blinds. So even if your curtains look lively and clean, their splendor will be somewhat diminished by a dirty curtain rod. 

How to Clean: Use vinegar to clean dust off blinds. For curtain rods, use a wet cloth, not a feather duster.

3. Kitchen sink pipe:

The pipe underneath your kitchen sink is a breeding ground for germs and insects. Since these pipes are generally detachable, you should clean out them out thoroughly on a bimonthly basis. Hire a plumbing service if you don't know how to detach/attach the pipe. 

How to clean: Use a thin roller brush dipped in a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to remove all the grub and muck from inside the pipe. 

4. Under the stove:

Most stoves have spaces between the grates that allow for food bits to fall through to the bottom and accumulate and rot beneath the sink. Since there are hardly any occasions that require you to move the stove, the grime underneath it goes amiss.

How to clean: Wash this surface thoroughly with soap water and lemon juice. Also clean the bottom of the stove and the steel grates.

5. Behind the fridge:

This area is a hot zone for dirt and dust. Given its hard-to-reach location, most people forgo cleaning it and just hold out till they get a new fridge. This little area can attract mice and cockroaches in droves. 

How to clean: Use some paper towels and vinegar to wipe grime off the back of the fridge. 

By using these useful tips, you can make sure that all the hideaway dirty areas of home go through a thorough wash and rinse cycle. Make sure you clean out all these spots and watch your precious abode really shine. 

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